The Head of Institution is required to provide a statement explaining whether or not they support an individual’s application and the reasons for their decision. This statement should represent the view of the Institution and should comment on the strength of the case for promotion or progression in terms of the respective Assessment Criteria (Teaching and Scholarship and Service to the University and to the Academic Community). The statement should include evidence of excellence with respect to these criteria, and the quality of the applicant’s contribution across the criteria since their last promotion/appointment. The statement should refer to the Indicators of Excellence, where relevant. The statement should also comment on the applicant’s overall role and contribution to the academic enterprise and their standing in relation to other academic employees in the Institution, and provide contextual information on the applicant’s achievement over and above what would normally be expected of someone in their current role.
In all cases, the statement must include details of the funding, including the source from which the case for promotion/progression is to be met. Queries concerning funding should be raised with the relevant School Finance manager in the first instance.
It may be necessary for the Head of Institution preparing the statement to consult with the Head(s) of other Institutions where an applicant has stated that their case for promotion is multidisciplinary, they hold a ‘joint’ office, or their duties involve a regular and substantial contribution to the teaching programme of other Institutions.
Where an applicant has provided details of Contextual Factors, these should be taken into account in the statement and when evaluating their contribution, detailing the impact this has had on their ability to carry out their duties.
The Staff Review and Development (SRD) appraisal scheme, whilst remaining a separate and independent mechanism for reviewing personal contribution, should be used to discuss career aspirations and assess an individual’s readiness for progression. It is essential that these types of discussions are taking place on a regular and ongoing basis throughout the course of an individual’s career.
Heads of Institutions are expected to undertake annual performance appraisals with employees as part of the SRD scheme, and it is recommended that the appraisal undertaken in the last 12 months is used to support an individual’s application. Heads of Institution must indicate when the most recent appraisal with an applicant took place in the statement.
The Head of Institution may delegate the preparation of the statement to another senior academic officer, who should firstly be consulted to ensure they are able to prepare the statement. Where this is done, the Head of Institution should confirm that the statement represents the internal view of the Institution of the case for promotion. The statement must be submitted by the requested date and in time for the FC meeting.
Statements should be no more than two sides of A4. Statements that do not provide sufficient detail or do not conform to this guidance will be returned by the Chair of the FC with a request that the statement is amplified and returned by the date on which the agenda and documentation are circulated to members of the FC.
The statement forms part of an individual’s application documentation and progresses through each of the committee stages. As part of the feedback process, the statement will be disclosed to the applicant on request.