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Teaching and Scholarship


The University of Cambridge is committed to providing a supportive environment to enable individuals to take ownership of their development and build a successful career at Cambridge.  The University’s success depends on the diversity of its staff and students. The University aims to be a leader in fostering equality and inclusion and nurturing a sense of belonging for all within our community. 

The purpose of the Academic Career Pathways scheme for Teaching & Scholarship staff (ACP T&S) is to recognise and reward outstanding contributions and celebrate academic achievement through promotion and/or pay progression.  

Assessment is based on contributions in: Teaching & Scholarship and in Service to the University and to the academic community more broadly. 

All applicants for promotion are expected to contribute to the creation of a positive working environment, and adhere to the University's Code of Behaviour.

All those who are involved in the ACP T&S scheme, either as an applicant, Head of Institution, Committee Member, Chair or Secretary, or in another supporting role, are expected to read and be familiar with this guidance.        

Any general enquiries about the scheme / process should be directed to ACP mailbox:


For details of the Academic Career Pathways (Research and Teaching) scheme, please visit the ACP R&T website.