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Teaching and Scholarship


University Associate Professors and Associate Teaching Professors (Grade 10)

University Assistant Teaching Professors, Assistant Teaching Professors, University Associate Professors and Associate Teaching Professors at Grade 9 wishing to apply for promotion to Grade 10 should use the ACP T&S Promotion Scheme A. 

The ACP T&S Contribution Reward Scheme embedded in Scheme A is for University Associate Professors and Associate Teaching Professors who are already at Grade 10 and wish to progress to the higher salary spine points in recognition of significant and sustained contributions.  The assessment of contribution by the University Associate Professor and Associate Teaching Professor (G10) should clearly relate to the institution’s strategic plans and recognise the University Associate Professor and Associate Teaching Professor’s achievements in teaching, scholarship and service to the academic community that is likely to contribute to the future academic success of the University.  

Only Associate Professors and Associate Teaching Professors who are paid at the top of the service points (Grade 10, point 61) as at 1 October 2024 and have held this office on this point of Grade 10 for at least 12 months are eligible for consideration.

It should be noted that the pay progression scheme will not apply to clinical academics who will remain on their current point on the clinical pay scale, which is subject to NHS consultant salary progression pay rules.  

Note: The criteria for pay progression is included in section on Assessment Criteria.


Senior Teaching Associates (Grade 8) and Teaching Associates (Grade 6 and 7)

Senior Teaching Associates and Teaching Associates wishing to apply for promotion to the next grade should use the ACP T&S Promotion Scheme B.  

Senior Teaching Associates and Teaching Associates can apply for up to three additional increments (in the normal pay range or in the contribution points range, i.e. the starred points) through Scheme B of the ACP T&S Contribution Reward Scheme. This recognises an individual's personal contribution over and above the normal expectation for the role, over a period of at least a year and in the context of expected continuation at that level.

The assessment of contribution by the Senior Teaching Associate and Teaching Associates should clearly relate to the institution’s strategic plans and recognise the Senior Teaching Associate’s and Teaching Associate’s achievements in teaching, scholarship and service to the academic community that is likely to contribute to the future academic success of the University.  To be eligible to apply for Contribution Increments employees must: 

  • be an academic (T&S) staff member (Grades 6-8);
  • have not yet reached the maximum contribution point for their grade; 
  • have been in their current role and grade for at least one year prior to 1 October of the year the increment(s) is awarded; and
  • be employed at the point the award is paid.

Applicants cannot apply for both promotion and for pay progression in the same exercise.